What is a Domestic Partnership Certificate?
The Domestic Partnership, also known as common law union, “Unión Libre” or “Unión Marital de Hecho”, is a legal figure regulated in Colombia by LAW 54 of 1990, through which two people constitute a community of life of a singular and permanent character, without the necessity to get marriage. This type of union applies to heterosexual and homosexual couples, and its members are called “permanent partners” (compañeros permanentes).
The above means that the Domestic Partnership requires that the couple live together under the same roof and that the relationship is not clandestine but stable and public knowledge.

Also, the Domestic Partnership
is recognized for grant the MType Marriage Visas by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
When is born the Patrimonial Society between permanent partners?
How to apply for a Domestic Partnership?
Legally, there are 3 different ways to declare a Domestic Partnership, which are:
We recommend , the Notary Number 5 of Medellín where the following procedures can be carried out:
Patrimonial Society between permanent partners.
Pre-matrimonial agreement.
Liquidation of the conjugal society.
Each entity has a defined protocol to carry out the creation of the Domestic Partnership.
When it comes to the relationship between a Colombian person and a foreign person, it will generally be necessary to present apostilled and translated documents from the country of origin as the case may be, and the assistance of an official interpreter may be required if the foreigner does not speak Spanish. This procedure could require 15 to 30 days for coordination and completion taking into account the aforementioned requirements.
However, we will explain below the process of Domestic Partnership through our specialized service, which has been classified by our clients as the easiest and fastest option:

Domestic Parnertship service made through expatgroup.co
The Domestic Partnership service through expatgroup.co, is a process fully aligned with current regulations, which is validated for the Colombian visa application, according to our statistics and success rate. Besides, it is a service that we offer both in person and virtually according to the circumstances and needs of our clients.
Documents and requirements for the Domestic Partnership in Colombia with a Foreigner.
- Valid passport for foreign citizens.
- Citizenship card for Colombian citizens.
- Direction of coexistence in Colombia.
- Relationship start date
- E-mail and Internet access.
In this case, through our management, no document from abroad with apostille, legalization, or official translation will be required.
Appointment scheduling for Domestic Partnership
Once you send us by email to info@expatgroup.co or through our WhatsApp line (+1) 9547993692 , the documents and information required, it will take approximately 5 working days to receive the official summons to carry out the Conciliation Hearing. In the case of the Domestic Partnership virtual service, you will receive in addition to the date and time, a link to join the meeting with the lawyers.
Conciliation hearing
– The interview with the lawyers takes around 45 minutes.
– During the session, the lawyers explain the rights and duties derived from the configuration of a Domestic Partnership, make the reading of the conciliation act, and finally, do some confirmation questions to which each one must answer to finalize the session and approve the application for Domestic Partnership.
– In a period of approximately two (2) working days, the contracting parties will receive the official certificate that endorses the Domestic Partnership and with said document, they will be able to immediately start the application for the Colombian M-Type Marriage Visa or the Colombian Beneficiary Visa, depending on the specific case.
– Below, we detail the elements that make up this document for clarity and to verify its validity.
Elements that make up the declaration document of the Domestic Partnership
The Domestic Partnership Document is different from the “Declaración Extraproceso” or “Extrajuicio” that can be obtained through a notary. To be a valid document, even more so in the Colombian visa process, the final document must include at least the following elements:
Here is the date, time, process formalization, and full identification of both parties and the conciliatory lawyer who will take the case.

In this part of the act, the reason and main objective of the Conciliation Hearing is focused.
The claims refer to the final intentions that are from the audience. What do you want to achieve from the statement of the above facts?

The amount is a value in pesos declared by the partnership at the time of incorporation.
Normally, in the Domestic Partnership Document, the term will be observed: Undetermined amount (cuantía indeterminada), this means that there are no specific values declared by means of capitulations, therefore the company that is incorporated will not have a value defined.
The document ends with the presentation of the final agreements included in the declaration of the Domestic Partnership and the corresponding signatures to endorse the document.
IMPORTANT: Within the document of the Domestic Partnership, we can include an agreement of Patrimonial Society Liquidation if the couple has less than 2 years of coexistence, to leave for granted the separation of the assets. This in case the couple wants it.
How does a Domestic Partnership prescribe or end?
Why should I use expatgroup.co services?
- Includes professional advice.
- Appointment scheduling with lawyers.
- Official rates of the Conciliation Center.
- Permanent mediation with the Conciliation Center.
What are the matrimonial or marital? capitulations?
The marriage or marital contracts are a contract entered into by two people before getting married or declaring a de facto marital union, with the purpose of agreeing (protecting) the economic regime - the present or future assets. If the marriage or de facto marital union is not celebrated during the six months following the signature of the capitulations, they lose their validity. There are two types of capitulations:
required for the capitulations
- Be older than 14 years old.
- To be mutually agreed upon.
- Copy of identification documents (Passport or citizenship card)
- Civil registry of birth of the Colombian (Not older than 1 month)
Do you wish to protect your present or future assets?
Have you been living with your partner for less than 2 years?
- Appointment with lawyers (30 min).
- Notarial expenses and formalities.
- Proxy for the process.
- Official Certificate.
Start your process with us
At expatgroup.co our services are designed with you in mind. That is why we have the best experts in the field for your peace of mind in the processes. We guarantee you a quality and efficient service, because we are the #1 agency in Colombia.
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