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Table of Contents

Below, we present the terms and conditions applicable to the Users of the services provided by Expatgroup.co SAS, company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Colombia, identified with Tax Identification Number 901.242.858-9 (hereinafter, «Expatgroup.co») and the Users.

The terms and conditions will describe the rights and obligations that Users have when acquiring any of our Services by any means, and the rules under which the relationship will be maintained.

When Users send the data to make a quote, fill out the service form and/or pay the invoice and thus access or use our Services, and/or with the express electronic acceptance of these terms and conditions, they express their consent and acceptance about them.

Likewise, when carrying out any of the activities mentioned above, Users declare that they have legal capacity and the necessary powers to be bound in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Users must carefully read these terms and conditions, our privacy and personal data treatment policy and any other document referenced in these terms and conditions.

The coverage area of ​​the Services is the territory of Colombia and consulates of the Republic of Colombia.

1. What is Expatgroup.co?

Expatgroup.co is a facilitator channel between foreigners and Colombia, which through a portfolio of comprehensive solutions, seeks to help foreigners to settle, invest, work, study and do business in Colombia. Expatgroup.co provides Colombian visa application services, accounting and legal services, business advice in Colombia, real estate services, health in Colombia, technological services, among others.


a. Adviser: means the person who has been delegated by Expatgroup.co to advise and accompany the User during the visa process.

b. Visa area: means the Department specialized in immigration matters to which the Advisor belongs.

c. Contents: means everything that Users or Expatgroup.co publish or share on the website, through the completion of forms, email, or WhatsApp, including, but not limited to request for documents, communications with the User, application requirements, process times, etc.

d. Entity: means all those government entities that intervene in the migratory process and the granting of visas for foreign citizens in Colombia. Understand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration Colombia, and Colombian consulates abroad.

e. PQRS: means Petitions, Complaints, Claims and Suggestions.

f. Services: mean the Services defined in Clause 4 of these terms and conditions.

g. Users: means any person resident or not in Colombia who has access to the services provided by Expatgroup.co.

h. Visa / Visa means the authorization granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to a foreigner to enter and remain in the national territory for a specific time.

2. Object

By contacting us by any means, by accepting these terms and conditions and/or by using our Services, Users are freely and voluntarily contracting a Colombian visa application service. The conditions of this service include these terms and conditions and any other binding document that is made known to the User by any other means, which will be available for consultation, including, but not limited to, the Privacy Policy and Treatment of Personal Data.

The acquisition of any service only implies an advisory and intermediation service between Expatgroup.co, the User and the Colombian Government Entity. The final decision on the procedure acquired is the discretionary power of the Colombian government Entity, since Expatgroup.co does not ensure the approval of the procedure. Expatgroup.co provides advice on how to comply with the requirements made by the Entities to increase the success rate but does not commit to obtaining a favorable response from the Colombian government Entity.

3. Requirements to access the Services

For Users to access the Services, they must meet at least the following requirements:

  1. Have the legal capacity to contract according to the law of the country where the User resides.
  2. Have read these terms and conditions.
  3. Pay the entire invoice corresponding to the contracted service.
  4. Fill out the visa form informed by the Advisor.
  5. All those that are constituted as a basis for the application of the visa according to the provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and those that are considered necessary by the Advisor and have been previously informed to the Users.

4. Service description

Expatgroup.co offers the following service:

  1. Visa service: 

        i. Expatgroup.co offers the online intermediation service for the visa application process before the Colombian government entity (Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Consulate of the Republic of Colombia).

        ii. Within this service is included:

             a. Advice and support throughout the process.

             b. Visa application and registration with the Entity.

             c. Visa stamping (just in case the stamping service is active by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bogotá).

             d. Instructions and appointment scheduling through Colombia Migration for the registration of the visa and the request for the foreigner’s identity card.

         iii. The User will be informed of the legal provisions regarding the requirements, and the response times that the Entities involved in the Colombian visa application process may have. 

         iv. Advice will be provided to the User on how and/or where he can obtain the documentation in case it is not clear to him.

          v. The User will be explained how each document must be presented according to the type of document and the issuing country, which could be with notary authentication, apostille, legalization, consularization, with an official translation into Spanish, physically or digital, as the case may be.

          vi. Expatgroup.co will be in charge of scheduling appointments with Migración Colombia, filling out forms and sending documents to this Entity, as well as preparing the User so that he can personally attend the Migración Colombia office to carry out the procedure you require.

          vii. Intermediation in the application of the visa before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the online form, registering all the User’s data and uploading the required and previously validated documents for the process in the application.

          viii. Constant monitoring of the User’s file to validate the status of the application, keeping the User informed about the progress and any additional requirements by the Entities.

           ix. Expatgroup.co will be responsible for the presentation of each requirement made by the government during the time the process lasts, considering the information and documents provided by the User.

a. To access the Services offered on the website, by WhatsApp, by email or through an Advisor, Users must fill out the application form VISA YA. Without filling out this form, the User will not be able to access the service or have access to information related to the provision of the service.

b. Before filling out the form, a prior quote for the Service will be sent to the User, which must be accepted by the User to start providing the Services.

c. General terms and conditions

  1. At the time of paying for the visa process, in order to be transferred to the Advisor and be able to start the corresponding process, the User must fill out the application form VISA YA in all its fields, with valid data. Expatgroup.co may require at any time, the additional information it deems pertinent to verify the data provided by the User and to complete the necessary requirements to continue with the visa application.
  2. Users undertake to provide all their disposition and diligence so that Expatgroup.co can carry out the corresponding procedures.
  3. All Users must complete the required information in an exact, precise, and true manner, and assume the commitment to update their data whenever necessary. For these purposes, and prior to the collection of the respective personal data, Users must read and be aware of the Personal Data Protection Policy of the Website and authorize the processing of their data in accordance with said policy, which is available here.
  4. The Users will guarantee and will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data they provide.
  5. Users will be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused by the provision of false, erroneous and imprecise information.
  6. If the personal information of the Users presents any change that will affect any of the Services offered by Expatgroup.co, the Users must update it through the means provided for it.
  7. Users accept and acknowledge that Expatgroup.co will use the email address registered in the VISA YA form as the main method of communication.
  8. Users undertake and are responsible for being attentive to any notification sent to their email (they must also be attentive to the SPAM folder and make the necessary modifications) by Expatgroup.co to avoid missing notifications and information. relevant to the process. Likewise, the User undertakes to respond promptly to the emails sent as a sign of receipt, acceptance, or as appropriate.
  9. If the User does not respond to the emails sent by Expatgroup.co in a timely manner, Expatgroup.co will not be responsible for delays, loss of regularity, closure of processes, cost overruns or negative consequences that this may cause to their process.
  10. The User understands that the visa application process always requires collaborative work between Expatgroup.co and the User. If the User does not cooperate with the requirements made by Expatgroup.co aimed at providing the service, the User will be responsible for the withdrawal, inadmissibility or denial of the visa application and there will be no claim or refund. of money.
  11. The User understands that all communications between the Advisors and the User must be based on respect and polite treatment. If the User violates, intimidates, harasses, or disrespects any of the Expatgroup.co Advisors, the Advisor may terminate the communication and escalate the case with the Expatgroup.co Legal Department. The Expatgroup.co Legal Department will review the case, mediate in the situation and according to the events presented, may authorize the continuation of the process, transfer the case to a new Advisor, proceed with the definitive closure of the process, terminating the service. contracted by the User and notifying the competent Entity if necessary.

6. About the use of the visa service

To use the visa services, in which the Users carry out the process for the visa application in Colombia and additional documents, the Users must comply with the following:

a. General terms and conditions of service

  1. Users may freely choose to take the service.
  2. Users must remain in the place they have chosen to apply for the visa, either in Colombia or in their country of origin or residence, for the entire duration of the process. Otherwise, it could lead to the inadmissibility, withdrawal, or denial of the request by the Entity, in which case, the responsibility will be fully assumed by the User and Expatgroup.co will be free to terminate the process. hired.
  3. Users must provide in a truthful and timely manner all the information and documentation required by Expatgroup.co for the management of the contracted procedure. For this reason, before starting the procedure, it is important that the User informs Expatgroup.co of everything related to previous processes and relevant situations for the management of the requested procedure.
  4. Expatgroup.co will respect the privacy settings chosen by the User.
  5. Expatgroup.co is not responsible for the veracity of the information expressed by the Users before the Entities in charge of granting visas.
  6. Users accept and acknowledge that Expatgroup.co has no responsibility for the information entered into the system as long as it corresponds to the information directly provided by the same User either through the VISA YA form or through any of the channels employees for communication with the Advisor.
  7. Expatgroup.co does not guarantee the suitability or accuracy of the information.
  8. Users will be solely responsible for the accuracy and suitability of the information and will be solely responsible for their obligations.
  9. Expatgroup.co reserves the right to terminate the visa process contracted by the User, without refund of money, when it identifies falsehood, conduct contrary to law or good customs, incorrect, imprecise, erroneous or confusing information made in bad faith, and likewise, when any of the Advisors is harassed or harassed.
  10. The User accepts and understands that for reasons of security and compliance with service levels, all video calls and calls between Users and Advisors will be recorded and monitored. These recordings will be made and will be treated in accordance with Expatgroup.co’s Personal Data Protection Policy and current regulations.

b. Request, Validation of documentation and Application.

  1. The Visa Area sends a detailed email with the documents and/or information necessary to start the process, including a reminder at the end regarding possible responses by the government, the time for granting the visa and the requirements that the Entities may request. At this point, the User understands and accepts that the final response of the visa process that can be: Approved, Inadmissible, Denied or Withdrawn, as well as the time of granting/duration of the visa, correspond to a decision by the discretionary power of the Colombian government.
  2. Advice will be provided to the User in case he does not know how or where he can obtain the required documentation. Additionally, it will be explained how each document must be presented according to the type and the issuing country, which could be with notary authentication, apostille, legalization, consularization, with an official translation into Spanish, physically or digitally. If there are difficulties in understanding, the client could be shown practical examples to make it much clearer.
  3. Expatgroup.co is in charge of scheduling appointments in the corresponding Entities, filling out the required forms and sending the pertinent documents and instructions so that the User can go to the Entity for the corresponding procedure.
  4. Expatgroup.co will register an internal email with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to track visa applications. This email and access password are confidential information of Expatgroup.co and may not be shared with the User under any circumstances. The User understands and accepts that he will not be able to request access to this email and password and if requested, it will be denied.
  5. The User understands and accepts that it is their responsibility to be attentive to any notification or requirement that is presented by Expatgroup.co or by the corresponding Entity.
  6. The User is responsible for demonstrating that his/her stay in Colombia is legal and is not in breach of any immigration regulation or law.
  7. The User understands and accepts that, for the purposes of his migratory regularity if he is in Colombia, it is his responsibility to appear in person at the office of the corresponding Entity in his city of residence in Colombia and that the last word regarding the regularity in the country is the Entity’s Discretionary Faculty.
  8. Expatgroup.co will take care of the reception, verification, correction, organization, and digitization of documents.
  9. Expatgroup.co will be in charge of carrying out the visa application before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the online form, registering all the client’s data (with the exception of the email), and uploading the required and previously validated documents in the application. the procedure.
  10. Expatgroup.co will make the electronic payment of the application fee so that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs begins the study of the application.
  11. Expatgroup.co will constantly monitor the file to validate the status of the application, keeping the User informed about the progress and notifying the User of any additional requirements by the Entities within a maximum period of 24 to 72 working hours.
  12. Expatgroup.co will notify the User of the final decision of the Colombian government regarding the visa application within a maximum period of 24 to 72 working hours.
  13. At the time of applying for the corresponding visa, Expatgroup.co will generate a unique filing number. This number will not be shared with the User to avoid any unauthorized access to the Platform of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the event that the User requests this filing number, Expatgroup.co may share it as long as the User sends an email addressed to the Expatgroup.co Visa Department (visas@expatgroup.co) with the corresponding request, this request must be made from the User’s personal email and not through third parties. In such a case, the User will be notified that Expatgroup.co will not be responsible for any unauthorized entry by a third party, nor for any alteration of information and will not assume responsibility for the due care of the information and its derived risks, from from the same moment in which the unique registration number is delivered to the User.

c. Visa approval.

If the visa is Approved, Expatgroup.co will provide the User with the necessary instructions and accompaniment so that they can successfully pay for the visa and will help them with the application for the foreigner’s identity card.

Expatgroup.co will carry out the following procedures:

  1. Reception and sending of the electronic visa to the User.
  2. Appointment scheduling with the Colombian Migration office.
  3. Completion of the Single Form of Procedures (FUT) that must be presented on the day of the appointment.
  4. Sending the instructions to consider for the appointment.
  5. Tracking of the number of the foreigner’s identity card to inform the User when he can appear before Migration Colombia to claim it (in the cases that apply).

d. Visa denial.

If the Entity’s final response is negative, a call will be scheduled with the User in order to notify them of the response and give them the corresponding recommendations or indications according to the case.

 At the end of the call, an email will be sent to the User attaching the official government response in PDF and the agreements generated in the call and the closing of the process will be formalized.

 The User understands that in the event of a negative response, the advice and intermediation service by Expatgroup.co ends at that time, and there is no right to any type of refund or return of money.

The User understands that, in case of wanting to apply for any type of Colombian visa in the future, and requiring the assistance of Expatgroup.co, they must pay again all the fees associated with the procedure according to the costs in force at the time of application.

e. Additional services.

In some cases, depending on the type of visa, it may be necessary to offer additional services, such as:

  1. Official translations.
  2. Issuance of the certificate of migratory movements.
  3. Declaration of De facto Marital Union.
  4. Issuance and apostille of the certificate of benefits (pension).
  5. Income certificate issued by accountant.
  6. Travel insurance.
  7. Representation before Immigration to obtain a safe-conduct.
  8. Registration of the marriage that has been celebrated abroad through a Colombian notary for it to be valid in the country.
  9. Tourism extension.
  10. Collection of physical foreign identity card at the Colombian Migration office.
  11. For visa processes associated with business and investment:
  • Constitution of a company in Colombia.
  • Issuance of the foreign investment certificate through the Banco de la República.
  • Account opening through a Broker and legalization of international transfers.
  • Study of titles and services associated with real estate processes.
  • Preparation and/or review of sales contracts.
  • Support service and legal representation.

The User understands that if any of the additional services listed above are required, or even another service that has not been mentioned here, the associated costs are not covered by the initial fees paid to Expatgroup.co and must make the additional payments. that correspond in a timely manner for the development of the provision of said services in case you decide to contract them also through Expatgroup.co.

7. Obligations of the Users

Users undertake to comply with all the obligations expressed in these Terms and Conditions, as well as those determined in other documents, including and not limited to other contracts that are entered into, as well as the Personal Data Protection Policy.

In addition to these obligations, Users will have the following obligations:

  1. Address the company, the Advisors and other members of the Expatgroup.co team, as well as other Users, with respect.
  2. Pay for the Services.
  3. Inform the Advisor in a timely manner about any change in the contact information, identification document or other information relevant to the process.
  4. Read and fully understand these Terms and Conditions.
  5. Comply with the community manuals and all the rules expressed in these terms and conditions or in other documents.

8. Obligations of Expatgroup.co

By virtue of the nature of the service offered by Expatgroup.co, it undertakes to:

  1. Provide the infrastructure for the correct provision of the Service contracted by the User.
  2. Guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided by the User and the data contained in the documents provided by the User for the provision of the service.
  3. Issue receipts for payments or credits made, as well as the invoice or equivalent document and send them electronically to the User.
  4. Keep the User informed of the progress of the process and notify changes in the status of the procedure within a maximum period of 24 to 72 working hours.
  5. Act with diligence and responsibility in the contracted work using the human, physical and technological means at its disposal, to increase the chances of success but without guaranteeing it, since it is understood that the final decision will depend on the Discretionary Faculty of the Ministry of Relations Foreign or government entities involved in the process.

9. Visa Service Payment and Operating Costs

Users may have free access to basic information regarding Colombian visa procedures through the Expatgroup.co website. Once they wish to acquire the services, the following basic items will be charged:

  • Government fee for visa application.
  • Expatgroup.co service.

Government fees and Expatgroup.co Service costs vary according to the type of visa to be applied for. Additionally, depending on the type of visa, additional charges may be submitted for associated services that are required for the correct development of the procedure.

The basic costs of the Service will be informed by our Advisors before acquiring the services offered by Expatgroup.co. In certain cases, Users may acquire the services without the need to receive a prior quote. However, after contracting the Service and having transferred the case to the Visa Advisor, the latter may indicate whether additional payments are required for the development of the associated services that are required as the case may be.

The User understands that the fees initially paid to Expatgroup.co do not include the cost of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the issuance of the visa if it is approved, nor is the amount that must be paid to Migration Colombia for the issuance. of the foreign identity card.

Expatgroup.co reserves the right to update its prices in accordance with its pricing policy. However, the new prices will take effect only when the service is used. If the User does not agree with the new prices, the only recourse will be not to contract the visa service.

10. Returns

Expatgroup.co will refund the money paid by the Buyer User just if the process has not been started. Starting the process includes one or more of the following events: registration of the visa application with the corresponding Entity, prior advice provided, explanation of requirements for the process, drafting of powers of attorney and/or review of documents provided by the User, among others. Thus, in any of the events mentioned above as «start of the process», the return request would not be appropriate.

To request a refund, you must use the PQRS channel https://expatgroup.co/english/pqrs/ and choose in the ‘Reason’ field the option: ‘Money refund’ and within fifteen (15) working days the department in charge will respond to the request.

Reimbursement will not proceed in cases where the provision of partial or total services has been carried out or inconsistencies are found between the initial information provided by the User and that presented at the time of document collection.

The User may request to change the type of visa to which he wishes to apply only within the following five (5) working days counted from the payment of the procedure. If the User requests the change of procedure regarding the type of visa or service acquired outside the aforementioned time, he must request a new advice with an additional cost of fifty dollars (USD$50) for extra advice, reprocessing and reorientation of the new service/process.

If after three (3) months have elapsed from the date of payment of the service, the User does not respond to the communications or contact attempts made by the Advisor, or does not send the information and/or documents requested for the continuation of the process of visa application, the User will be notified of the decision to close the process and there will only be a refund of the money corresponding to the government fees that have not yet been paid by Expatgroup.co to the Entities. The User will not be entitled to a refund of the money corresponding to the value of the Expatgroup.co Service.

In any case in which the User is entitled to a return or reimbursement, either in whole or in part, of the money paid to Expatgroup.co, the User understands and accepts that there will be a retention corresponding to the bank charges in accordance with the banking entity that has mediated the payment process. These values ​​will not be recognized or assumed at any time by Expatgroup.co.

The User understands and accepts that any final response issued by the Entity will be considered as the end of the process. This includes the responses: Approved, Inadmissible, Denied or Withdrawn. This means that if the User wishes to try a new application, whatever the reason, they must once again bear all the costs associated with the process, including government fees and Expatgroup.co fees.

11. Right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal is subject to a series of exceptions contemplated in article 47 of the Colombian Consumer Statute, and one of them is generated in the case of the provision of services such as those offered by Expatgroup.co:

«1. In contracts for the provision of services whose provision has begun with the agreement of the consumer.

At the moment in which the User makes the payment on any of the visa application services, it will be understood that he agrees with these terms and conditions and will be contacted by one of the Advisors to start the provision of the visa service thus limiting the User’s right of withdrawal.

12. Guarantee and quality in the Services

The Users accept and acknowledge that Expatgroup.co is an organization that provides a visa service as an intermediary between the User and the Entities in charge of granting visas but that it does not have any type of relationship with the Entities, so that it is not in capacity to guarantee the effective granting of the visa, the suitability, veracity or effectiveness of the Contents or information filed, and to that extent, it cannot guarantee that the requested visa will be granted.

Expatgroup.co will make its best efforts to provide the Services with the quality that Users expect, subject to these terms and conditions.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Services provided by Expatgroup.co have no guarantee.

13. “As Is” service

Users accept that the Service provided by Expatgroup.co is an “as is” service, which means that there is no express or implied guarantee on the provision of the Expatgroup.co service.

No type of information that the Users have received by any means from Expatgroup.co or any of its representatives or officials, in addition to these terms and conditions, will compromise the responsibility of Expatgroup.co or represent any guarantee on the Services.

For this reason, the only recourse that Users will have in relation to the Services provided by Expatgroup.co in case of dissatisfaction, will be to withdraw from the process and not use the services offered by Expatgroup.co again.

14. Petitions, complaints, claims and suggestions

Requests, complaints, claims and suggestions (hereinafter «PQRS») to Expatgroup.co Services will be governed by the following provisions:

  1. The PQRS of the Users may be filed only through the completion of the PQRS form provided on the Expatgroup.co website: https://expatgroup.co/english/pqrs/
  2. Only the User, after identification, may submit their direct claims free of charge, on the Website or other means that Expatgroup.co has.
  3. co will record and individualize the claim by assigning a number to your claim, which will be made known to the person who filed it, by means of an email notification.
  4. co may transfer the PQRS to a third party, when it deals with information, or a service not provided directly by Expatgroup.co.
  5. If the response corresponds to Expatgroup.co, it must be given within the following fifteen (15) working days.

15. Responsibility of Expatgroup.co

Expatgroup.co informs Users that it will be exempt from liability when:

  1. Users provide incorrect, inaccurate, non-updated or false identity data or information, and, although not exclusively or limitingly, for damages of any nature that may be due to impersonation of a third party, carried out by a User in any kind of communication or transaction carried out.
  2. When there is suspension, interruption, or interruption of the Services due to corrective or preventive maintenance of the Platforms of the Entities.
  3. When due to lack, omission, delay, or absenteeism of the User the visa application is denied, withdrawn or inadmissible.
  4. co will be exempt from liability when, by decision of the Entities in charge of granting visas, the application is denied, withdrawn or inadmissible while Expatgroup.co does not show negligence and/or all requirements have been met.
  5. co offers no guarantee on the information of any User.
  6. For loss of profits due to business not carried out by the Users, lost profits, pecuniary losses or loss of information or data, related to the service.
  7. For any cost, loss or damage that is caused to the Users, as a result of the improper use of the Services by people outside Expatgroup.co.

16. Indemnity

Users agree to hold harmless, defend, indemnify and hold Expatgroup.co harmless from any claim, liability, damage, loss and expense, including but not limited to legal fees, arising out of or in any way related to the breach of these terms and conditions, the inappropriate use of the website or the services provided by Expatgroup.co, the responsibility of the Users, and in general about any breach that exists between a User and another, including, but not limited to: any injury , loss or damage of any kind arising in connection with or as a result of such breach.

Likewise, Users agree to hold harmless, defend, indemnify, and hold Expatgroup.co harmless from any claim, liability, damage, loss and expense, including, but not limited to, legal fees, arising from or related in any way to your interactions on Expatgroup.co.

17. Hyperlinks to other websites and use of cookies or similar technologies

Users accept that Expatgroup.co may use cookies and/or other similar technologies, both on the website, its contents, services, and in emails sent to Users, for the purpose of, among others, purposes of authentication, record activities on the website, improve its functionality, optimize the Services offered, analyze market trends, analyze the demographic information of those who visit the website and make use of the services it offers, evaluate the effectiveness of its advertising, study the consumption behavior of Expatgroup.co buyers and the results of the activities carried out there, determine who has opened the email sent and the format in which they do so. These tools allow obtaining, among others,

Users can configure their browser to disable and delete cookies and/or other similar technologies, in which case, although the website may continue to be visited, access to certain features may be restricted.

By using our Services, Users agree that the website may display advertisements that it believes will be relevant to the User and their interests and agree that Expatgroup.co uses their personal data to help determine which advertisements to display.

18. Intellectual property

The website, solutions and designs, graphics, texts, images, source code and object code, usage model and other content to which Users have access, is the property of Expatgroup.co mand is protected by intellectual and industrial property as appropriate.

The distinctive signs, such as trademarks, trade names, logos, and all the components of the distinctive signs ofExpatgroup.com, are the exclusive property of the same, for which the Users do not have the right to use the brands without authorization.

The use of the Expatgroup.co applications and software by the Users does not imply any transfer of the industrial property rights and copyrights of Expatgroup.co on such content, nor on Expatgroup.co. Authorized uses will be limited by these terms and conditions, the natural and functional purpose of the Expatgroup.co applications and software, and the legal relationship between the Users and Expatgroup.co. The conferred uses must be interpreted restrictively.

Users and any third party must refrain from extracting and/or reusing parts of the content without the prior and express consent of Expatgroup.co and/or their respective owners, under penalty of indemnifying Expatgroup.co for any damage caused by non-compliance. of this section.

19. Processing of personal data

With the acceptance of these terms and conditions, Expatgroup.co is authorized to collect, use and process the personal data contained on the website and those that may be supplied or collected in the future, for the purposes and in the terms described in Expatgroup.co’s Personal Data Processing Policy, which is available here.

In any case, Users may exercise their rights to know, update, rectify or delete data or to revoke this authorization under the terms of the Personal Data Processing Policy.

Expatgroup.co may ask Users for some Personal Data such as name, address, telephone and email, means of payment. By supplying the data by any means, the User grants express consent for Expatgroup.co to carry out Personal Data Processing operations such as collection, storage, use, circulation or deletion, under the terms of the Personal Data Processing Policy. Expatgroup.co may also obtain data through integration with Microsoft, Google, Facebook or other platforms, which will also be subject to these terms and conditions and especially to the privacy policy and treatment of Personal data.

Personal data will be processed for the development of Expatgroup.co’s corporate purpose and other purposes specified in Expatgroup.co’s personal data processing policy.

Expatgroup.co will process personal data, as defined in Expatgroup.co’s privacy and personal data processing policy, for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes, and/or as long as it is necessary for the fulfillment of obligations legal or contractual.

By accepting these terms and conditions, Users authorize making the information registered on the website available to Expatgroup.co.

20. Platform Failures

Expatgroup.co is not responsible for any damage, harm or loss caused by failures in the web page derived from the server or the Internet. Expatgroup.co will not be responsible for any virus that could infect the equipment of theUseras a consequence of the access or use of the website or as a result of any transfer of data, files, images, texts, or audio-content through any of the communication channels enabled by Expatgroup.co. TheUsermay not impute any responsibility or demand payment for lost profits, by virtue of damages resulting from technical difficulties or failures in the Internet systems.

The website may eventually not be available due to technical difficulties or Internet failures, or due to any other circumstance beyond the control of the User; in such cases, efforts will be made to restore it as quickly as possible without Expatgroup.co being held responsible for this.

Expatgroup.co will not be responsible for any errors or omissions that theUsercomet by using the forms provided on the website.

21. Term and Termination

These terms and conditions and the other binding documents will apply while the User uses the Services offered by Expatgroup.co.

If Expatgroup.co determines that the User has violated any of the conditions set forth in this document, it may immediately terminate or suspend the link.

22. Force majeure and fortuitous event

Neither the Users nor Expatgroup.co, will be responsible for non-compliance, or delay in the fulfillment of the obligations, in the event of an event of force majeure, that is to say that it is irresistible and unpredictable, and that it is beyond the reasonable control of both the User and Expatgroup.co, including, but not limited to the issuance of a law, an act of authority, a flood, an earthquake, a pandemic, etc.

Neither the User nor Expatgroup.co will be liable in the event of a fortuitous event involving the fact of a third party that becomes unpredictable and irresistible and legally alien to the party alleging it, including, but not limited to be limited to a war, a malicious act of third parties, etc.

In any case, force majeure and fortuitous events will be considered exempt from liability and will suspend or terminate, as applicable, the fulfillment of the obligations.

23. Acceptance of the terms and conditions and their modifications

The use of the functionalities included in Expatgroup.co by the Users implies the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. If any User disagrees with any of the elements contained in the Terms and Conditions, they must stop using the Expatgroup.co Services.

These Terms and Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement between the Users and Expatgroup.co.

Expatgroup.co may make updates and changes to these Terms and Conditions, both in their appearance and in their characteristics and content, and this may be changed or modified to the extent that new functions or characteristics are developed and to the access conditions in any time, without this meaning additional commitment to those established by Expatgroup.co or claiming any kind of damage.

24. Applicable legislation

Users accept that these terms and conditions will be governed by Colombian law. In the analysis of this document, its documents will be interpreted in the following order: (i) The terms and conditions (ii) The personal data processing policy (iii) Any other written document signed by the User and by Expatgroup. co with the intention of being part of the binding documents.

25. Separability

The Users accept that each one of the clauses of this document, have the essential condition and the breach of any of them may give rise to the termination of the contract that the User celebrates with Expatgroup.co.

If any provision of the binding documents is held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, its remaining provisions will at no time be affected or impaired, and the invalid, illegal, and unenforceable provisions will be restated in a manner that reflects the original intent of the document.

26. Conflict resolution

The Users accept that for any divergence or discrepancy that arises during the provision of the Service, the User and Expatgroup.co will have a term of thirty (30) calendar days, counted from the date of the claim, to resolve their differences by going to to direct negotiation or conciliation.

If after this time, we cannot reach any agreement, both the User and Expatgroup.co are free to go to ordinary justice.

Thank you for carefully reading our terms and conditions.

Last update: August 2022