In order to begin the transition to the new visa resolution, Resolution 5477 of 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has just notified that Colombian visa applications will be frozen.
When will Colombian visa applications be frozen?
Below we explain the dates you should keep an eye in the processing of Colombian visas to understand the transition to the new resolution that is already beginning:
Friday, September 16, 2022:
The maximum term to apply for visas M and V Student, M Religious, M Retirement / Rentista, M Marriage / Domestic Partnership, R Parent of Colombian Citizen, and R Foreign Direct Investment.
Friday, September 30, 2022:
The maximum term to apply for other visa types.
From September 30 to October 21:
ALL visa applications will be frozen. The government platform will be disabled for the registration of visa applications.
As of October 21:
In principle, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs system will be re-enabled for the application of any type of visa, including new visas and visas that have changed their category based on resolution 5477 of 2022.
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For some months there has been talk of possible changes in the Colombian visa system, and precisely, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has just issued a new resolution that will be effective as of October 20.
Resolution 5477 of July 22, 2022 will replace the 2017 resolution, bringing as a consequence the implementation of new visa categories, new mandatory requirements and some major changes.
When will the new resolution 5477 be implemented?
Will the visa types change?
How does the new Resolution 5477 affect foreigners who are already holders or beneficiaries of a current visa?
What are the changes brought by the new visa resolution 5477?
About types of visas
Type V – Digital Nomad
Type M – Domestic Partnership (spouse or permanent partner)
Type M – Father or mother of a Colombian national by birth
Type V – Rentista ‘Annuity’
Type V – Student
Type V – Temporary services provider, Type V – Religious, and Type V – Voluntary
Visa Transfer
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Changes in some Colombian visa rules due to COVID-19 – 2022 UPDATE
New regulations for visas are announced by the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Due to the Health Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health because of COVID-19, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the Resolution 1296 of April 21, 2020, to reassure many foreigners through changes in some Colombian visa rules and provisional measures that will govern until the end of the Health Emergency.
IMPORTANT: Colombian new entry requirements for foreign tourists and V Type Visa, M Type Visa or R Type Visa since December 14, 2021.
IMPORTANT: Colombian new entry requirements for foreign tourists and V Type Visa, M Type Visa or R Type Visa since December 14, 2021
Successfully Complete your Colombian Visa Application with Expatgroup.co
At expatgroup.co, we have helped over 3,100 foreigners obtain M-type, R-type, and V-type visas. If you are facing difficulties with your Colombian visa application, schedule an appointment with our visa specialists today.sa applications, and we’re continuing to see positive outcomes for our clients.