Step by Step to Get the FBI Background Check from Colombia

At, we understand the excitement and challenges of moving to Colombia as a foreigner. When we decided to sync our Visa Processes, according to the changes of the Resolution 5477 of 2022, we knew the government would likely adjust some things into the Colombia Visa application process over time. However, in some of our customers’ latest applications, the government has started requiring complementary documents, including Criminal Records. To fulfill their visa applications, American Citizens have had to request their FBI background check from Colombia, and that’s why, we made an entire and reliable process to get this document totally online.

What is the FBI Background Check?

The FBI Background Check is the document issued by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) in which it is reported the criminal record of a personon, in case of having committed a criminal offense in the United States.

In Colombia, the FBI background check works as an additional document for the Colombia visa application process. It is mandatory for U.S. Citizens who want to get the Colombia Retirement Visa, and also, has been required for other visa categories. It’s a certificate that ensures applicants have no serious criminal history that could risk public safety, a fundamental requirement for gaining legal entry and residence in Colombia. Understanding and fulfilling this requirement in advance is essential to smoothly processing your Colombian visa application.

"In Colombia, this document will only be valid for 3 months starting from the issue date. The FBI Background Check must also be translated into Spanish and apostilled for international use, with the same expiration date."

FBI Background Check

FBI Background Check Service

The FBI Background Check service of, consists of intermediating with the FBI to obtain a digital background certificate for American citizens, that is valid before the Colombian government for visa applications from Colombia.

Is the FBI Background Check a mandatory requirement for Digital Nomads in Colombia and other visa applications?

Unlike the Retirement Visa, where the certificate of criminal records is mandatory, this document doesn’t appear in the resolution’s articles where the specific requirements for visas are detailed. However, some of the latest active application processes in have been marked in «Requirement» status, and through an official statement, the FBI background check has been required as an additional document, relying on Articles 95 and 97.

In some instances, during the visa application process, applicants have chosen to wait to submit some documents as criminal records. This has resulted in their application being placed into “Requitement” status, leading to significant delays.

Due to the complexity of the process to obtain it independently, especially for those who need to apply for the FBI Background Check from Colombia, the application process exceeds the general response time of 10 days provided by the government. This implies that you must make a new application from zero, with all the activities and costs that this implies.

We show you an official letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where they are asking for this requirement in one of our Visa processes.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Additional Requirement

When do I submit the FBI Background Check for my Colombia visa application?

If you are looking to apply for a Colombia visa, you must gather the necessary and specific documents for this category, and we recommend you to adding the FBI background check and apostille as additional documents in the first document submission step.

The timeframe for obtaining an FBI background check from Colombia can vary. Typically, it takes between 5-6 weeks to receive the report. However, delays can occur due to issues with fingerprint quality or high demand for services. Additionally, obtaining an apostille can add extra time, so starting this process before your planned visa application is what we recommend you.

This blog we made some time ago provides step-by-step instructions on how to get the US FBI background check certificate, also known as a US criminal records certificate.

how to get the FBI background check

How to get the US FBI background check certificate

On July 22, 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued Resolution 5477, establishing some changes regarding Colombian visas. Among these changes, new requirements are added, such as the certificate of criminal, criminal, or police record of the country of origin and/or residence.

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If you require advice, we offer our help since we have designed a special and reliable service in which we can process your FBI Background Check from overseas (Colombia). You can even add this service to complement your nomad visa process with, and we will help you prepare all the necessary documentation for your application.

Step by Step to Get the FBI Background Check from Colombia with

Get the FBI Background Check with fingerprints in Medellin and other Colombian cities with

The’s FBI Background Check Service offers several benefits. These include the convenience of having your fingerprints taken in Medellín at the office. Not only that, but you can accomplish this entire process from Colombia without the need to travel to the USA. You can avoid mistakes and rejections by ensuring that the correct fingerprints are submitted. Moreover, with just one payment, you’ll have access to all the features included in your package, making it an affordable option.

The digital fingerprinting service is exclusively available in Medellín at the’s office in El Poblado. Schedule an appointment with our advisors and arrive at the selected day and time.

If you are not currently in Medellín, we recommend traveling to the city for this process to ensure that your fingerprinting is performed accurately. Our biometric software assesses the clarity and accuracy of each fingerprint, so it’s important to have this completed in person.

If you can’t travel, we have enabled the home delivery service of the traditional fingerprinting process for six of the main Colombian cities.

Digital fingerprinting with an FBI-certified scanner

You can get a printed FD-258 Card in Medellín with an automatic fingerprint verification process to ensure that each fingerprint is correct.

Traditional fingerprinting with the ink and paper method

Opt for the traditional ink fingerprinting if you are in Bogotá, Cartagena, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, Cali, or Bucaramanga.

Are you looking to obtain an FBI Background Check with apostille and translation?

The good news is that the apostille and translation service is available for the FBI Background Check.

FBI Background Check

FBI Background Check Service

The FBI Background Check service of, consists of intermediating with the FBI to obtain a digital background certificate for American citizens, that is valid before the Colombian government for visa applications from Colombia.

FBI Background Check FAQs

Why do I need an FBI background check for a Colombia visa?

When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requires the FBI background check, it ensures that applicants don’t have a serious criminal history, which helps maintain the safety and security of Colombia.

Is the FBI background check mandatory for all Colombian Visas?

FBI background check is mandatory only for American Citizens who want to apply for the Retirement Visa. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can request it as an additional document for any type of visa application. Nowadays, it is very common in Digital Nomad Visa applications and other visa categories. We recommend you to study your specific case with us, so we can advice you about what you will really need.

How much validity time is required for the FBI background check on visa applications?

Typically, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asks for 3 months of validity for the FBI background check to be issued in the visa application.

Can I use a background check from a different country?

No, if you are a U.S. citizen or have spent significant time in the U.S., Colombia requires an FBI background check specifically.

What is an FBI Background Check apostille, and why do I need it?

An apostille is a form of authentication for signatures of authorities on documents used internationally. It verifies that the FBI background check is legitimate and accepted by Colombian authorities. According to Article 21 of Resolution 5477, the formality must be complied with in documents coming from abroad. All documents created or issued abroad must have an apostille or legalization, depending on the issuing authority.

How long does it take to get an FBI background check?

The process usually takes between 5-6 weeks, but delays can occur. It’s best to start the process early or get advice from to support you with this process.

Where can I get my fingerprints taken for the FBI background check?

You can get your fingerprints taken at authorized local police departments in USA, FBI-approved channelers in the USs, or private companies that offer this service.

What if my fingerprints are rejected for the FBI Background Check from Colombia?

If your fingerprints are rejected for poor quality, you will have to retake them and reapply, which can delay the process. This usually happens when people do the process themselves. We can take your fingerprints in Medellin.

Do I need professional help to get an FBI background check?

While you can complete the process on your own, consulting with visa experts or legal professionals can help ensure accuracy and efficiency, especially if you have to request the FBI Background Check from abroad.

The FBI background check is an important requirement for getting a visa to Colombia. It verifies applicants’ criminal history to ensure the safety of Colombia’s nationals and residents. For all foreigners, meeting this requirement can help them to get their visa and starting their new lives in Colombia.

"Don’t wait to be REQUIRED by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Submit this requirement in advance to demonstrate your reliability and to get your visa in Colombia faster and smoother".

No.1 Agency in Colombia

+10 years of experience


100% online services

Quotations, advice and procedures

Professional and bilingual assistance FBI Background Check service

$ 220.00 USD
  • Filling out the FBI form.
  • Fingerprinting (Medellín).
  • International shipment to USA.
  • FBI criminal record certificate (digital). FBI Background Check and Apostille

$ 400.00 USD
  • Filling out the FBI form.
  • Fingerprinting (Medellín).
  • International shipment to USA.
  • FBI criminal record certificate (digital).
  • Authentication of the certificate through a public notary in the USA.
  • Apostille certificate (digital)
  • Official translations into Spanish (2 pages max). *Each additional page has a cost of 15 USD/page.

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