Colombian Visa Requirements during coronavirus

Note: All information is correct at the time of publication (February 7th 2021). For live updates, visit the official Colombian COVID-19 website.

Colombian Visa Changes: What’s Changed During COVID-19?

The coronavirus pandemic has had a serious impact on public health, trade and commerce, and employment on an international scale. 

As of now, 106 million people have been affected by the virus worldwide, with over 2 million confirmed cases in Colombia. While the primary concern is for the wellbeing of those who are suffering from COVID-19 – particularly the most vulnerable like the elderly – the virus has also affected people’s ability to travel. 

This begs the question then, what are the Colombian visa changes during coronavirus? 

Well, there have certainly been changes to the traditional processes enacted by the Colombian government’s department of immigration (migración), and these changes haven’t been the clearest.

Given that the country is in a state of perpetual quarantine extensions, it’s complicated to give definitive answers to people either stuck in Colombia, applying for a visa, or trying to re-enter the country. 

Nevertheless, people need to know what their legal status is, how to act should the situation change, and if they can make plans regarding entering, exiting, or staying in Colombia. 

We’ve taken a look at the latest Colombian visa changes during the coronavirus pandemic, and how these have affected the expat community. 

What’s the Colombian Government’s Response to Coronavirus Been?

The Colombian government had issued a national quarantine on March 25th 2020. This meant that travel to and from different parts of Colombia had been heavily restricted or stopped altogether. Now, the government has relaxed its travel restriction policy, allowing for commercial flights to travel to and from Colombian borders.

With open borders for airtravel, internal restirctions on Colombia have also been relaxed with shops and restaurants beginning to open up again slowly.

Is it Possible to Get an M, R or V-type Colombian Visa Now?

In short, yes. 

If you’re currently in Colombia, and looking to get a migrant (M), resident (R) or visitor (V) visa, the Cancillería (Government immigration website) and migración are still processing visa applications. 

It’s important to note, however, that there have been changes to some of the Colombian work visa requirements in 2021 for those looking to apply for an M-5 visa. Furthermore, if you’re entering into Colombia from abroad, you’ll need to present a negative PCR COVID-19 test taken within 96 hours of traveling. After this, you’ll need to self-isolate for 14 days.

Given the restrictions of the quarantine, the cancellería and migración are under serious amounts of strain. It’s therefore safe to assume that the visa application process may take longer than normal. 

All visa applications should be carried out online unless you have strict instructions to do otherwise. In addition, all visas are processed and issued in Bogotá (Avenida 19 No. 98-03, Pisos 3 y 4). If you’re applying for a visa outside of Bogotá, you’ll need to source an experienced courier and migratory service provider to safely transport your passport to the capital. 

Can You Get a Colombian Visa from Outside of Colombia? 

In short, no. 

Colombian embassies and consulates around the world are, like Colombia, coping with social distancing. Expats trying to apply for visas abroad won’t be able to successfully process their application for the time being. 

As things stand, non-Colombian citizens without a residency, migrant or investor visa will not be able to reenter the country until May 30th. This is, of course, subject to change and it’s likely that the date will be extended given that the Colombian government has already prolonged quarantine several times. 

The smartest thing to do is to keep an eye on updates in the Colombian media, and from online blogs that are updating the situation as it develops.

Are Tourists at Risk of Becoming Illegal in Colombia?

Now, this grace period has finished, and foreign nationals who are in Colombia illegally will not receive favorable treatment in lieu of the pandemic. If you’ve overstayed your visa and need to pay a fine, make sure to reach out to Colombia’s immigration office Migración before leaving the country.

Fortunately, there is help at hand for tourists in Colombia who are struggling to know what their next move should be regarding staying or leaving the country. There are several Colombian tourist visa extension service agencies that are providing expert consultation to people in need of assistance. 

Final Thoughts

The current circumstances caused by the coronavirus mean that most foreign nationals will have to stay in Colombia for at least two more weeks. 

The national quarantine has complicated the application process for Colombian work visas, Colombian resident visas, and Colombian visitor visas. Nevertheless, there are highly-experienced Colombian migratory service agencies who are on hand to assist any and all doubts and concerns of the expat community. 

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