visa procedures during the Emergency

Recent days may seem mayhem, this unexpected pandemic has citizens of all nations locked down and adapting to new changes.

Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following Resolution 0918 issued by Migración Colombia last month, ruled some changes and updates on the visa processes for foreigners outside and within Colombia.

This is the Resolution 1296 of April 21, 2020, which also gives foreigners a legal basis for their current status, processes, or concerns.

As part of our update service to our clients and any foreign national in Colombia, at, our group of professionals keeps us update with the Government resolutions and communication regarding the new conditions which the immigration service of the Republic of Colombia will enforce for the remaining of the State of Sanitary Emergency declared this current year.

Therefore, there is no need for foreign nationals in Colombian to get unnecessarily stressed up. These changes as they are now are very simple and for the better. Let’s review most of them:

Foreign Affairs Resolution 1296 of April 21st, 2020 pronouncements:

Article 1.

Visa applications for foreigners staying in the Colombian territory:

Foreigners who are in regular residence within Colombian territory may apply for a visa before the Visa Authority in Bogotá through the electronic means provided for this purpose by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During the validity of this Resolution, foreigners holding a visitor visa in Colombia will not be allowed to make visa applications that signify class changes, being able to only request the same class of visa of which they are the holder, always, in accordance with the requirements established in Resolution 6045 of 2017, and the principle of discretion in the granting of visas.

Article 2.

Suspension in the processing of visa applications for foreigners staying outside the Colombian territory:

It provisionally suspended until the Sanitary Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health remains in effect, the processing of visa applications by foreigners staying outside of Colombian territory, established in Resolution 6045 of 2017. The Colombian consulates and the Visa Authority in Bogotá, are prevented from admitting during the referred term such visa applications, regardless of their class or activity.

Article 3.

Suspension of the validity terms of the visas:

It provisionally suspended until the Sanitary Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health remains in force, counting the validity time of the visa for foreigners that are abroad and are holders of a visa in force at the time of issuance of this Resolution, in accordance with the following:

  1. Type (v) visitor visas to provide temporary services to a natural or legal person in Colombia, and to hold office in a Colombian headquarters of a company with a presence abroad by virtue of intra-corporate transfer of personnel.
  2. Type (M) migrant visas regardless of their activity

Article 4.

Suspension of the terms of early termination of visas due to the absence of national territory:

Provisionally suspend until the Sanitary Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health remains in force, the accounting of the time of absence from the national territory, as a cause of early termination of type M and R visas established in number 3 of article 66 of Resolution 6045 of 2017, for foreigners who are abroad and are holders of such classes of visa in force at the time of issuance of this Resolution.

Article 5.

Suspension of the provisions related to the printing and stamping of the visa. Suitability of the electronic visa for purposes of registration in the Foreign Registry:

It provisionally suspended until the Sanitary Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health remains in force, the terms established in article 89 of Resolution 6045 of 2017, relating to the duty of the foreigner to print and stamp the visa with validity equal to or more than three months, in order to advance its registration in the Register of Foreigners. Such registration may be advanced with the current electronic visa (e-visa), whose authenticity and conditions will be verified by the Immigration Authority at the time of the respective registration. This, in line with public policy regarding Digital Government and streamlining procedures.

The present resolution governs from the date of its publication and will remain in force until the end of the health emergency declared by the ministry of health and social protection through resolution 0385 of 2020.

That is all for now, as changes appear we will keep you informed. For any other information relevant to Foreign nationals in Colombia please contact us or follow our blog at for more updates.

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