Visas y Migración
Traspaso de Visa ¿Perderá vigencia mi residencia en Colombia?
La entrada en vigencia de la Resolución 5477 en octubre de 2022 marcó el inicio del régimen de transición para
La entrada en vigencia de la Resolución 5477 en octubre de 2022 marcó el inicio del régimen de transición para
Desde la pandemia el teletrabajo se ha convertido en la nueva normalidad de muchas personas, facilitando un estilo de vida
Como ya sabemos, Colombia es un gran destino turístico gracias a sus playas, montañas y selvas, que atraen a cientos
Visita nuestro blog y suscríbete para recibir las mejores noticias sobre cómo obtener una Visa Colombiana u otro servicio en el territorio Nacional.
Visita nuestro blog y suscríbete para recibir las mejores noticias sobre cómo obtener una Visa Colombiana u otro servicio en el territorio Nacional.
Aldo Civico2023-12-30 Competent, swift, reliable. They follow you step by step, with great attention to detail and expert advice. I have already recommended them to friends. Would have no problems in recommending them to anyone. Maria Idalba Agudelo Montoya2023-12-27 Expatgroup, muy eficiente muchas gracias, recibí mi pasaporte rapidísimo totalmente recomendado J P2023-12-20 Expatgroup was very knowledgeable and helped me navigate through the process of obtaining my resident visa successfuly. I plan to continue working with them in regards to my visa and other needs. Louis French2023-12-20 Expatgroup has been our lifeline for Imigration, Visas, Property Purchases, Contract Review and general advice. The staff has experts in areas of Colombian law so that any work is done by someone with current and accurate knowledge. We looked at one and two person firms but know from experience that you cannot be an expert at everything and keep up with current laws and regulations. They are smart, friendly, transparent, reasonably priced, tolerant of our stupid questions and have made it easy to sleep at night. Expatgroup is really the best. Joey Granath2023-12-20 They got my passport renewed before Christmas 🙌🏼 A+ Francoise Misa2023-12-13 Use expatgroup.co to attain your Colombian Visa. You will be very happy with their service.....They work with you every step of the way........ Dan2023-12-13 I am presently starting my 4th Visa application with ExpatGroup. They take care of everything and I dont have to deal with it, which is exactly what I want. Thanks, ExpatGroup!La evaluación general en Google es 4.7 de 5, en base a 417 reseñas