We understand that getting to another country, whether for academic, work, personal or business purposes, is not easy. For this reason, we provide you with our specialized advice on your particular immigration case.
We want to help you understand the Colombian immigration law, to choose the most appropriate type of visa for you and explain what the visa process is and obtain your immigration card. With our Migratory Case Study, you will obtain benefits such as:
- Increase in the probability of success of your procedure.
- Save time and money by choosing the right visa for you.
Confidence, freedom of expression and confidentiality of your information. - Decrease of barriers that may cause inadmissions or denials of your visa application.
- Solution of all your questions about immigration procedures and stay in Colombia.

Our Migration Case Study Service is also directed in the form of a comprehensive consultancy, for those companies, institutions, corporations or entities that have requirements for linking foreigners, whether as students, practitioners or workers. We invite you to contact us if you require this service.