Decree 1168 of August 25, 2020

Decree 1168 of August 25, 2020

Taking into consideration that the risk of contagion has not yet decreased, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection extended the State of Health Emergency until November 30, 2020; however, the National Government has ordered new measures that will be in force from September 1st through the Decree 1168 of August 25, 2020.

What are the new measures?

It is about the end of Mandatory Isolation and the beginning of the new stage: Selective Isolation of Distancing and Individual Responsibility.

What is responsible individual distancing?

This measure implies that all people in Colombia must continue to comply with biosafety protocols in public spaces, to reduce the spread of the pandemic and contagion in daily activities.

What does selective isolation entail?

This measure implies selectively restricting some activities, areas, and homes according to the pandemic impact level in each municipality and its possible variations. For example, selective isolations may be carried out in homes with people with positive cases, understudy, or with symptoms.

What are the activities that are not allowed?

1. Public or private events that involve crowds.

2. Bars and discos.

3. Consumption of alcoholic drinks in public spaces or commercial establishments.

However, the mayors of the municipalities may request authorization from the Interior Ministry to carry out pilot plans in restaurants, bars, commercial establishments, and business fairs, as long as they comply with biosafety protocols.

Will telecommuting or work at home continue to be enabled?

Yes. While the State of Emergency is in force, the call is for companies to continue facilitating work from home for those employees whose presence is not essential at the workplace.

What will be the exceptions for border closures?

The maritime, land and river border crossings will be closed during September, except in the following cases:

1. Humanitarian emergency.

2. The transport of cargo and merchandise.

3. Act of God or force majeure.

4. The departure of foreign citizens from the national territory in a coordinated way by the Special Administrative Unit Migration Colombia, with the competent district and municipal authorities.


Failure to comply with the measures outlined in this decree may result in criminal penalties and fines.

The Decree 1168 of August 25, 2020 will be effective from September 1 to October 1, 2020.

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