endorsed by the Colombian government for visa applications.

At expatgroup.co we want to help you understand the Colombian immigration regulations, in order to help you choose the most appropriate type of visa for you, explain the process and how to obtain your Cédula de Extranjería.
Helping foreign citizens like you to settle, invest, work, study and do business in Colombia.
Helping foreign citizens like you to settle, invest, work, study and do business in Colombia.
The visa is the authorization granted to a foreigner to enter and stay legally in Colombia, a requirement to obtain the foreigner’s identity card. The visa process is carried out in Bogota before the MRE through our management.
The foreigner’s identification card is issued by Migration (at checkpoints in each city of the country) and is the identification document for foreigners within the Colombian territory.
The MRE has a term of between four (4) and eight (8) business days from the date of request.
The registration must be made before Migración Colombia within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of issuance.
Holders of TP-9, TP-10, TP-15 and RE visas will be authorized to engage in any lawful occupation in the country, including those carried out under an employment relationship or contract.
Colombia offers 4 business visa modalities:
NE1: Commercial negotiations, economic exchange and making investments.
NE2: Establishment of business within the framework of international instruments.
NE3: As head or representative of a foreign commercial office of governmental character.
NE4: As president or senior manager of a multinational company to make investments and generate business.
The business visas described above are transit visas for specific temporary activities and do not allow a foreigner to reside in Colombia.
Additionally, there are 16 types of temporary visas:
TP1: Diplomatic officials or under international conventions or treaties.
TP2: Crew member or member of an international means of transportation or of a fishing or dredging vessel.
TP3: Student
TP4: Worker
TP5: Religious
TP6: Volunteer
TP7: Pensioner, annuitant, partner-owner, medical treatment, owner of real estate, exercise of independent trades or activities.
TP8: To carry out adoption proceedings of minors and to intervene in judicial or administrative proceedings.
TP9: Refugee
TP10: Spouse
TP11: Rest or leisure.
TP12: Participation in events, presentation of interviews and trainings.
TP13: Specialized technical assistance, with or without work contract, to public or private entities.
TP14: Transit to a country other than the Republic of Colombia.
TP15: Mercosur
TP16: Vacation-work program
Finally, a foreigner may also obtain COLOMBIAN RESIDENCE either for a Colombian child, when he/she has been in Colombia for 5 continuous years with temporary visa, 3 years with spouse visa, 2 years with Mercosur visa or for foreign investment over six hundred and fifty (650) legal monthly minimum wages in force.
If you are in an irregular stay, ask us how to resolve your immigration status by complying with the regulatory requirements in order to obtain a special permit to stay in the country and apply for a new visa.
When the holder of a TP (temporary) visa is absent from the country for more than one hundred eighty (180) continuous days. As for the Resident Visa, RE, it will be lost if he/she is absent from the country for a term of two (2) continuous years.
It is necessary to obtain the Colombian visa corresponding to the activity you are going to perform in the country. Expatgroup.co can represent and advise you in this process.
We have more than 10 years opening ways for foreigners like you to realize their dreams in Colombia.
At expatgroup.co our services are designed with you in mind. That is why we have the best experts in the field for your peace of mind in the processes. We guarantee a quality service and efficiency, because we are the No. 1 agency in Colombia.