What was changed in the resident visa by Resolution 5477?
Let’s remember that on October 21, 2022, the Colombian government issued Resolution 5477 for Colombian visas; this brought with it new visas and new requirements but also changes for current visas such as the Resident visa.
Previously if a foreign citizen had a Colombian child could apply directly for a Resident visa, but the visa changed its category to Migrant, so if you are a parent of a Colombian child, you must apply for this visa first, and after continuous years with this visa, you can apply to the Resident visa.
Another important change for resident visas is the counting of accumulated time. For purposes of calculating accumulated time, continuity of time will be considered when a visa has been granted before the expiration of the preceding visa. The laissez-passer does not constitute a continuity factor for the calculation of accrued time.
Colombia Resident Visa: What Are the Colombian Resident Visa Requirements for Expats? – 2023 Update
The Colombian resident visa is issued to foreign nationals looking to live permanently in Colombia.
The R-type visa is split into four categories:
- Renunciation of nationality
- For accumulated time of permanence in Colombia
- By application of the Temporary Statute of Protection for Venezuelan Migrants.
- Special Resident of Peace
For expats who want to migrate and settle down in Colombia in 2023, the question beckons — what are the Colombian Resident Visa requirements? And which category of the R-type Colombian visa should you apply for?
We’ve taken a look at all the Colombian resident visa requirements for expats planning their long-term future in Colombia.
Renunciation of nationality
For foreigners who were Colombians by birth or adoption renounced their Colombian nationality.
What are the visa requirements for renunciation of nationality in Colombia?
Accumulated time in Colombia
Expats can apply for the accumulated time in Colombia visa can be obtained after an uninterrupted period of living and/or working in Colombia.
For expats who have stayed in Colombia as a(n) political refugee, employee, entrepreneur, freelancer, investor, retired citizen, or permanent partner, this period is 5 years.
For those who’ve lived in Colombia with an M visa as parent of a colombian child, apatrida, or as a citizen of the Mercosur and Andino trading bloc — the period is 2 years. Finally, the foreigner with an M marriage visa is three years.
The R-Type Visa is also indefinitely only if you do not been absent from Colombia for more than two straight years. Also, you must keep in mind that the Visa issued by the Colombian government is valid for five years. After that, you do a visa transfer process to renew the Cédula de Extranjería and the visa.
What are the visa requirements for accumulated time in Colombia?

The accumulated time in Colombia visa requirements differs depending on the capacity by which you’ve been staying in Colombia. The Mercosur visa application, for instance, is different from the marriage visa.
Nevertheless, they all begin with an electronic application through the Cancillería and have the following general requirements:
Before filling out your resident visa application after accumulating enough time living in Colombia, it’s important to get all your documentation in check. Applying for a certificate of migratory movements through Migración can be a cumbersome process.
To save yourself unnecessary pain, use a trustworthy Colombian visa agency with years of experience successfully transmitting expat resident visa applications.
By application of the Temporary Statute of Protection for Venezuelan Migrants.
As of June 1, 2023, Venezuelan citizens with an ETPV permit can apply for a Colombian resident visa.
What are the visa requirements for the resident visa for venezuelans in Colombia?
Special Resident of Peace
According to the Resolution, this visa is designed for foreigners who were former members of the FARC-EP and have completed laying down their weapons.
What are the visa requirements for the resident visa for Special Resident of Peace in Colombia?
Costs, Validity, and restrictions
The Bottom Line
During these ten years, our agency has successfully processed more than 2400 visas, helping expats study, invest, and help those who see Colombia as their destination to retire and live.
Our services go beyond visa processing, as we have a wide variety of services, including investment advice, accounting, legal services, and health insurance, among others. In addition, we have a bilingual team willing to accompany you and guide you in all your requirements.
Why should I use expatgroup.co services?
expatgroup.co visa service
- Includes migratory advisory
- Visa submit and registration
- Registering visa / requesting “Cédula de Extranjería”
Soy Canadiense y ahora estoy en Canadá. Deportado Medellín el 31 Marzo, 22. Quiero aplicar para una cédula para ubilado residencia. Tengo mis documentos pero no conozco si necisito notarizar y authenticar los. Porfavor avísame.
Hi, Ralph, sure we can help you to get the Colombia Retirement Visa, please contact us at +1 (954) 799-3692 https://wa.me/19547993692 so that we can guide you through the process. Thank you
Mi hijo es Ciudadano Colombiano nacido en EEUU. Yo su madre quiero obtener la residencia permanente Colombiana. Yo soy y vivo en los EEUU y soy Ciudadana Estados Unidense y nacida en Nicaragua. Que son los pasos para que mi hijo me pueda pedir para que ser Ciudadana Colombiana. Por favor responderme a mi correo electronico los pasos que hay que tomar o los requisitos: yclore6223@gmail.com.
Buen día, Yamileth espero estés super bien.
Te comento que en expatgroup.co somos expertos tramitar visas colombianas, más no procesamos temas de ciudadanía ya que esto es directamente con el Gobierno Colombiano, te invito a que veas la información en el siguiente link. https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites_servicios/nacionalidad/adquisicion
De igual forma te enviaré al correo la información, costos y requisitos de la Visa tipo R por hijo colombiano sí aplica.
Yo tengo una VISA tipo R (por tiempo acumulado en el país) desde hace poco más de un mes, es decir emitida bajo la antigua resolución. Entiendo que de acuerdo de la R. 5477 del 22 de julio de 2022, tendré que hacer ‘el traspaso’ dentro de 2 años . Qué significa, y qué implica esto para mí? Parece que el traspaso en este caso simplemente significa que tendré que volver a solicitar una Visa tipo R, verdad? El proceso no fue nada fácil sin ayuda profesional, y no fue bueno para mi presión arterial!
Hola, Andrew, espero estés muy bien!
Lo que indica la nueva Resolución, es que tienes hasta dos años para hacer el traspaso de tu visa, después de eso es requerido cada 5 años.
El traspaso como tal no es una nueva aplicación, pero sí debes mostrar los soportes con los que aplicaste la primera vez y seguir cumpliendo con los requerimientos.
Recuerda que somos expertos en temas legales y migratorios para extranjeros en Colombia
Hola como puede mostrar el certifique ocucapion y/o fuentes de ingresos cuando es mi esposo que cobra todo y tenenmos el compania de el en estadio undios. Que documentos necesito?
Hola, Adreinne, todo depende del tipo de visa, se podría mirar si con extractos bancarios. Te aconsejo que tomes una cita con nuestros asesores especializados para que resuelvas las dudas sobre tu proceso https://expatgroup.co/english/book-an-appointment/
I am married to a Colombian, I had a residence permit that expired in 2021. I also lost my passport with the old visa in that had also expired. I have had both Temporary and permanent residences, I have also been out of the country for more than two years. I would like to renew my residency but I still live in the UK and have no I tension of returning to Colombia in the near future . What is the process
Hello, John, how are you? I want to inform you that the resident status is lost because of the time spent outside Colombia. On the other hand, if you do not intend to return to the country soon, we advise you to apply for the Type M Marriage Visa from scratch. Still, when you have plans to come to the country soon, in this case, you can do the process from the consulate or when you enter the country as a tourist.
If you have more questions, we recommend you request an appointment with our experts https://expatgroup.co/english/book-an-appointment/
Hi, I recently purchased a home in Santa Marta and am need of a visa that allows me stay year round instead of only 180 days out of the year. Im from Canada.
Hi, Kirk. I hope you are very well. Of course, we can help you obtain a Colombian visa to purchase your property, contact us to review your case and start the process! +19547993692
Hola me casare en Colombia pronto pero tengo dos hijas que no son de mi prometido . Me aconsejan que saque la visa colombiana pero mis hijas también necesitan la visa colombiana para quedarnos a vivir con mi futuro esposo!?
Hola, Crystal buenos días, espero todo esté muy bien y te felicito por tu futura boda. Si tu futuro esposo tiene nacionalidad colombiana puedes aplicar a una visa Tipo M de cónyuge, la cual tiene una vigencia de hasta tres años, y si es aprobada tu visa, esta permite solicitar visa de beneficiarios, es decir por medio de tu visa de cónyuge podrías solicitar la visa para tus hijas si cumplen con los requisitos para expedir esta. Te invito a que nos contactes para que te ayudemos en este proceso y tengas una guía legal y segura https://wa.me/19547993692
Hello. I was married to a Colombian National for 8 years. We own a home together in Medellin and paid 56k USD over 8 years ago. We are now divorced, but still close and share the home. Can I apply for a permanent residence? I also have a residence in Miami traveling back and forth.
Hi, Damian. I hope you are doing great! To apply for residence in Colombia, you need to accumulate a certain time (depending on the visa). We can help you to find the best visa for you. Contact us https://wa.me/19547993692