visa denials

Updated on October 16, 2020: more cases of visa denials.

Since the State of Emergency began in Colombia due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has gradually increased the severity in the visa applications review. In fact, in recent weeks we have seen several cases of VISA DENIALS, in which the government rejects the application and restricts the foreigner submitting a new application for the six (6) following months after the date of the denial.

The reasons for the denials correspond to the Discretionary Faculty and are normally not communicated to those involved, which generates confusion.

Given the above, and thinking of all our clients, our legal team specialized in Immigration Law, filed a protective action against the Foreign Ministry to deepen the situation and know first-hand what is happening regarding Colombian visa applications.

As a result of the legal effort of the team, we faithfully communicate to the entire foreign community the following points of interest that are currently affecting visa requirements and denials.

Main reasons for the Colombian visa denials

1. Within the framework of the National Development Plan, the Direction of Migration, Consular and Citizen Service Affairs, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, seeks for Colombia to become a pole of attraction for skilled migration, to favor the national economy through foreigners with interesting profiles for the country.

2. In Colombia there are more than 10,000 foreigners who, although they reside in the country, do not contribute properly to the General Social Security System (SGSS). Evasion, omission, and abuse of the health system by the foreign community in Colombia were detected.

For example, many foreigners are not even affiliated with the system, others are affiliated as beneficiaries despite having demonstrated the ability to pay as holders in visa applications, and the rest, contribute to the system based on the Colombian minimum wage when their monthly income is higher.

The foregoing is one of the main reasons for the denial of visas. Below, you can find the details of how the contributions to the Colombian health system should be in case you have doubts about it and want to avoid a future denial in your application: CORRECTLY CONTRIBUTE TO SGSS.

3. Besides, the government expects visa applicants to have the personal, economic, family, and community resources to reside in the country, and that they also meet with all Colombian regulations to guarantee their permanence in the Colombian territory.

At we will continue working to help the entire expat community in Colombia.

For more information and specialized advice, contact us, and tell us about your particular situation.


  1. Hello,

    I applied for Colombian Tourist Visa as a part of my Latin America trip but received the denial email today unfortunately. Is there anything I can do for this, like sending an appeal or so.

    Thanks in advance

  2. So I got a misdemeanor assault charge in the US over a year ago – no prior record before that though, and I’m 40.

    I was wondering if anyone had experience with similar cases and what was the result in regards to residency visas?

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